Vaping / Vapear
Want help quitting? Hood River County has a free smoking & vaping cessation program. Sign up here.
E-cigarettes are sometimes called “e-cigs,” “vapes,” “e-hookahs,” “vape pens,” and “electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS).” Some e-cigarettes look like regular cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. Some look like USB flash drives, pens, and other everyday items.
Get the CDC Fact Sheet
Los cigarrillos electrónicos a veces se llaman "e-cigs", "vapes", "e-hookahs", "vape pens" y "sistemas electrónicos de administración de nicotina (ENDS)". Algunos cigarrillos electrónicos parecen cigarillos, cigarros o pipas normales. Otros se parecen a memorias USB, plumas y otros objetos de uso diario.
Obtenga la hoja informativa del CDC
Learn about Youth Vaping Prevention and Resources to Quit at The Truth Initiative
What are E-Cigarettes?
¿Qué es el Cigarrillo Electrónico?
Video Source: David Geffen School of Medicine UCLA. "Electronic Cigarettes and Vaping." 2017.
Want to Quit?
or to help someone who is trying to quit?
or call 1-800-QUITNOW (800-784-8669)
Program for quitting with support by text and an online/social media community.
Tips and support to quit smoking or vaping from the Mayo Clinic.
Oregon Health Authority Cessation
Information about quitting smoking from the Oregon Health Authority
State-wide project to reduce smoking and secondhand smoke
¿Quieres dejar de fumar?
o ayudar a alguien que está tratando de dejar de fumar?
o llama 1-800-1-855-DEJELO-YA (1-855-335356-92)
Consejos y ayuda de la Clínica Mayo para dejar de fumar o vapear.
Proyecto estatal para reducir el tabaquismo y el humo ajeno
Hood River Store Promotes Health, Not Tobacco | Smoke Free Oregon

Hood River Store Promotes Health, Not Tobacco | Smoke Free Oregon

Health Media Club, Hood River High School, Hood River

Gehrig’s Chevron in Odell Says No to Tobacco | Smoke Free Oregon

Belinda Ballah, Hood River County
Si tiene una queja sobre alguien fumando o vapeando, puede informarlo a la Autoridad de Salud de Oregón aquí .