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Vaping / Vapear

Want help quitting? Hood River County has a free smoking & vaping cessation program. Sign up here.

E-cigarettes are sometimes called “e-cigs,” “vapes,” “e-hookahs,” “vape pens,” and “electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS).” Some e-cigarettes look like regular cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. Some look like USB flash drives, pens, and other everyday items.

Get the CDC Fact Sheet

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Los cigarrillos electrónicos a veces se llaman "e-cigs", "vapes", "e-hookahs", "vape pens" y "sistemas electrónicos de administración de nicotina (ENDS)". Algunos cigarrillos electrónicos parecen cigarillos, cigarros o pipas normales. Otros se parecen a memorias USB, plumas y otros objetos de uso diario.

Obtenga la hoja informativa del CDC

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Learn about Youth Vaping Prevention and Resources to Quit at The Truth Initiative

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What are E-Cigarettes?
¿Qué es el Cigarrillo Electrónico?

Video Source: David Geffen School of Medicine UCLA. "Electronic Cigarettes and Vaping." 2017. 

Want to Quit?

 or to help someone who is trying to quit?

Quit Now Oregon

or call 1-800-QUITNOW (800-784-8669)

This is Quitting

Program for quitting with support by text and an online/social media community.

Become an Ex

Tips and support to quit smoking or vaping from the Mayo Clinic.

Oregon Health Authority Cessation

Information about quitting smoking from the Oregon Health Authority

Smokefree Oregon

State-wide project to reduce smoking and secondhand smoke

¿Quieres dejar de fumar?

o ayudar a alguien que está tratando de dejar de fumar?

Quit Now Oregon

o llama 1-800-1-855-DEJELO-YA (1-855-335356-92) 

Become an Ex

Consejos y ayuda de la Clínica Mayo para dejar de fumar o vapear.

Smokefree Oregon

Proyecto estatal para reducir el tabaquismo y el humo ajeno

Hood River Store Promotes Health, Not Tobacco | Smoke Free Oregon

Hood River Store Promotes Health, Not Tobacco | Smoke Free Oregon
Hood River Store Promotes Health, Not Tobacco | Smoke Free Oregon

Hood River Store Promotes Health, Not Tobacco | Smoke Free Oregon

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Health Media Club, Hood River High School, Hood River

Health Media Club, Hood River High School, Hood River

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Gehrig’s Chevron in Odell Says No to Tobacco | Smoke Free Oregon

Gehrig’s Chevron in Odell Says No to Tobacco | Smoke Free Oregon

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Belinda Ballah, Hood River County

Belinda Ballah, Hood River County

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Si tiene una queja sobre alguien fumando o vapeando, puede informarlo a la Autoridad de Salud de Oregón aquí .

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Hood River County Prevention Department

309 State Street, Hood River, OR 97031

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