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Youth Development

About Our Programs

We work with our regional school districts and youth-serving organizations to foster partnerships to integrate and connect youth to educational support, mental health services, and workplace opportunities. 

Coaches & Mentors 

Suzanne Cross profile pic.jpg
Suzanne Cross
Career Coach

HR Youth NOW Program/ Future Ready

Youth Development Oregon 

Kristie Towell
Youth Outreach Specialist

Youth Reengament Grant

Youth Development Oregon

Nan Noteboom
Youth Reengagement Tutor

Youth Reengament Grant

Youth Development Oregon

Youth Reengagement Program

The purpose of the Youth Reengagement Program is to help students obtain a high school diploma or a GED.  We serve local youth ages 14-24 who have dropped out of school, or are struggling to attend school, or are attending school but are behind on credits.  

The Reengagement Program can help provide students with:

  • Tutoring, credit recovery, academic remediation, GED preparation and testing, mentoring, outreach, and personalized support.

  • Referrals to local resources such as social services, mental health and substance abuse counseling.

  • Access to child care, transportation, technology, food, and clothing.

  • Goal setting skills, moral support, positive incentives and encouragement.

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YDO Reengagement_esp 3.15.24.png

Click here to learn more or make a referral.

New Opportunities for Work (NOW) Program-
Future Ready

Who is eligible for HRC Youth NOW (New Opportunities for Work) program support?

  • Youth (ages 14-24) who are: 

    • Out of school or

    • Unemployed or underemployed or

    • Reengaging in education through a Youth Development Division (YDD) Program

What does NOW do? 

  • Support eligible youth with essential employability skills such as: 

    • Communication skills (resume writing, interviewing)

    • Interpersonal skills

    • Basic academic skills

    • Workplace skills- technology usage, dress code, managing time and money

  • Provide participants with navigation to resources and services that can support workplace readiness (CGCC Youth Compass Program, Work source, etc.) and insuring participants are accessing other services in the community to support overall well-being

  • Provide participants with financial support for: 

    • Training

    • Professional development

    • Basic needs (gas, food, clothing, school items, etc.)

    • Support for participant in determining best employment/ training program and following through to successful achievement of goals

For Partner Employer Groups:

  • NOW Works with partner employer groups​

    • Assess progress and address any concerns- maintaining strong partnerships

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NOW Program_esp 3.15.24.png

Click here to learn more or make a referral.

Hood River County Prevention Department

309 State Street, Hood River, OR 97031

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